How can we help?
If you are suffering from lymphedema caused by cancer or cancer treatments and are unable to afford the proper care please inquire about our assistance program. Contact our office by email or by phone 204.779.2441
What is lymphedema?
Lymphedema is swelling that develops because of a build-up of fluid in the body’s tissues. This happens when the lymphatic system, which normally drains the fluid away, isn’t working properly. It can occur in any part of the body, but is most likely to affect an arm or a leg.
Lymphedema develops when lymph nodes or vessels are damaged or blocked or if the lymph nodes have been removed by surgery. Lymphedema is caused when lymph fluid cannot pass through the vessels or lymph nodes and the fluid cannot drain away in the usual way. The fluid then builds up between the tissues and causes swelling.
Lymphedema is a chronic swelling. That means it is a condition that never goes away because the causes can’t be reversed. However, the swelling can be reduced in most people, particularly when it’s diagnosed early. Specialists in lymphedema can assess and treat lymphedema. They can also teach you how to manage it yourself.

"The side effects from on-going cancer treatments caused me to require compression stockings that I wear daily. It is a financial burden. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for this gift and support from a foundation that knows nothing about me. Thank you." Cherida
Cherida’s Story